Create perfect logo or Icon for your marketing landing page


How to create the perfect logo for a website or landing page.
Logos are good in SVG format therefore if you want to have a clean logo on your page you should make it in SVG format. We use Adobe creative suite for all our graphic works therefore we will show you how to make a logos in proper Illustrator format.   

There are two ways. As always First one is very fast and the other one is better quality.

First is very simple. Open image in Illustrator and do: Object -> Image Trace -> 3 color for example. 

Second wit better quality

Create file and make it X10 bigger so you can work with it more easily. 

For example 1580x 480 or 4740x1440

You can import a jpge with an already ready logo and put it on a locked background layer.

Try drawing all the elements separately on different layers. Dividing all elements of the logo helps it move or redraw afterwards if needed.

The hardest thing for a logo is to find a font that fits perfectly for a font being used but you can look it up on Adobe's website or convert an equally nice font into pad and then touch up corners.

Convert text to path in illustrator: Choose Type > Create Outlines

Sometimes, of course, you can find the exact same font but in most cases you'll have it modified faster just by adding or removing something.

You can even go so far and adjust mistakes of previous disinger and make the logo more authentic. 😅😆

But we leave it out of our working method.

Als het klaar is dan Export -> Save as SVG..


The filesize is now 5KB.. You can use it in any sizes.. Perfect logo.. 👍👍👍💪

The best advantage in this method. dat SVG image is a text that you can paste into HTML like this. Open source of this page and inspect svg tag.
